Integrated Investment Across Mutual Fund,PPF And Gold:

Today we will take a look at the result of integrated investment spread across equity mutual fund,PPF and Gold. To predict the projected values we need to consider some assumptions and based on that we will show the results. Assumptions: Investor have invested Rs.5000/- per month for next 20 Yrs. Rs.5000/- invested have distributed as Rs.2000/-…

What Wealth One May Have Created Through Reliance Growth Fund Through SIP:

Reliance Gowth is one of the oldest scheme and number of investors have this scheme in their portfolio..In recent years,this fund have able to beat the benchmark but not able to beat some other similar funds. Today We will only focus on the performance since inception. Assumptions: Capital Invested: Rs.3000/- per month. SIP Date Chosen:10th…

My Choice Of Mutual Funds:

Choice of mutual fund scheme is truely difficult among  more than 40 mutual fund houses in India..Today I take view of mutual funds of my choice,of course every one have its own choices and may suggest me for addition /deletion of the scheme. Screenshot from the CAMS statement are as follows from different E-mail Ids:…

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